Thursday, April 17, 2008

Writer's Guild of America President Speaks About Media Ownership

This video from YouTube features the west president of the Writer's Guild of America, Patric Veronne, speaking about media ownership. While the video mainly focuses on media ownership's effects of writers, it features many useful facts and statistics, especially at the beginning. Perhaps most shocking, Veronne points out that in the last twenty years, the media climate has undergone drastic changes- corporations are acquiring more and more media outlets and becoming larger and larger themselves. Today, the majority of our media exposures are owned by one of about six huge corporations.

You might say, "so, what?"

When this happens, we eventually only see what these conglomerates want us to see. These companies are only looking out for their interests. Therefore, the content that is available to the consumer is limited to what is gong to increase the company's bottom line. Only six companies are actually controlling the publics media exposures. That doesn't leave a lot of room for new ideas.

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