Wednesday, April 30, 2008

American Idol

As media corporations try harder and harder to economically benefit themselves, they are taking their own products and transforming them from simple entertainment to brand cultures.

American Idol is a great example of this. So, we participate in the process of choosing each season's American Idol, but we're also buying into the American Idol brand- we pay to vote, buy albums, concert tickets, t-shirts, DVDs... and so on. Companies have really figured out how to tap into their consumers' interests and increase sales in all of their industries. This gives the media companies the ability to make tons of money off of consumers based on one successful brand. Some people might argue that because we're buying into every aspect of one brand, that gives the media corporations a reason to minimize the new content they're putting out. They can spend a minimal amount of money while making more and more.

American Idol is different every season. This is one of the big successes of shows like this. Yes, the concept is the same, but the whole show changes from season to season as new hopefuls audition. On top of that, the Top 10 go on a summer tour after the show has concluded.

The American Idol website is the perfect place to see just how the brand is being marketed and sold to consumers. The website does dedicate space to its advertisers, but the interesting thing is that the site seems to be advertising its own brand. You can click a link to download (and pay for) Idol performances, go to the American Idol store, join the Idol community where you can participate in discussion boards, buy Carrie Underwood stamps, and much more. They're really creating an "American Idol World" with all of this, and fans are loving it.

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